The TTPD challenge is a wrap for now, but if you would like a note sent to let you know when this, or other chord classes are offered again, let me know here:
Let me know!OVERVIEW
The Tortured Poets Department
Chord Challenge & Song Spark
31 SONGS - 31 DAYS!
Throughout this challenge we will travel inside of one TTPD song each day of August 2024. As we do, you will build your chord fluency, musical ear, and creative musical prowess—by listening & learning, tinkering with, mapping, and playing along with each song using a simple daily plan (with timely Easter Eggs to help if you get stuck!). Any element of the song will then become a spark for your own creativity in response.
The challenge is—in defiance of easy googling of chord charts and cheatsheets—to take on TTPD as a musician—jumping in FEARLESSLY (equipped with your ear, chord & key knowledge, and again, with easter eggs perfectly placed along the trail to guide you) and play your way through the entire Tortured Poets Department Anthology—on your piano.
Song by Song, Day by Day.
If this sounds like something you haven't done much of before, but would like to play the music that you hear and love more effortlessly— this is for you!
Truly—if you have already been immersing yourself in The Tortured Poets Department since its release, there is NO BETTER way to grow your musicianship than to creatively interact with these songs.
Yes, I'm in!
Musicians of all levels, and teachers, too, & all those in your house who want to grow their musical ear and chord fluency and creativity on the piano.
If you can play basic piano chords, you can do this. And if you can't play them all yet, this will help get you there! Taylor Swift's songs use Major and Minor chords exclusively, and almost no extensions (7ths, 9ths, 11ths, etc.) or borrowed chords.
If a song is written in a key that you haven't played in much before, you get a chance to immerse yourself in that key for a day.
For example: the first track, FORTNIGHT, is in B major.
Maybe this is a key you play in often, but perhaps not!
Playing through a 4-minute song with only a few chords will get those chords rock solid, even if the chords are B, F#, G#m, & D#m (Oops. Easter Egg Alert, but beware: they may not necessarily be in that order!)
WHO THIS IS NOT FOR: Non-Swifties, or Swifties who aren't so into TTPD. This is also not for anyone looking for complicated and challenging progressions or extended chords (No Bbm7b5 chords occur—nope, Taylor truly only uses major & minor chords!).
First of all...
As I said (or implied—) this is not a copycat "watch me playing chords" challenge—
like what you often find on youtube or online courses teaching millions of songs by watching and copying.
This is the ANTI-COPYCAT challenge, with zero use of premade sheet music or a chord chart/cheat sheets. The challenge is to learn the chords of each TTPD song, by listening and exploring on piano, and if you get stuck, you will find daily EASTER EGGS popping up in the form of Chord & Key Clues to help as you need. Also for each new key we encounter throughout the month, there will be a daily key review class to equip you with what you need to find the chords and know how to play them in each key.
(Scroll on for the Plan!).

to the daily TPD song.
Sing or hum along. Sing the melody, sing the harmonies you hear. Dance. Journal. Ponder. Run errands to it.
You live inside the dreamscape of this song all day.
If people ask you how you are, you are this song!
Play around while you listen to the song. Pick out anything you can on your piano—the melody, bass line, chords,
all are clues to the key.
If you can sing it, you can find it on the piano.
If you can't get all of that worked out,
or you are new to learning this way—
I've got you—because...
Chord & Key clues to help you, as well as a 13-minute chord/key class you can play through at your own pace in case the song is in a key you don't often play in
(or you just want to brush up on).
Make a chord chart for yourself, mapping out the sections (verse, chorus, bridge) and the chords within them, so that you can visually see it all and play along as you listen easily. You can write out the lyrics, too, or decorate any way you like. This is only for you—Do it your way.
(I'll share mine, too.
One for my own song study
and one I would use if I were, say, playing in the Eras Tour band!)
In the afternoon each day, I will post my map of the song
(and you can check what you came up with and see if you agree🙂).
I will also share piano patterns you can try for each section of the song, and a song spark—an idea to create something with.
Play along with Taylor, play and sing on your own.
You can take an element or thought in the song,
and make something new in response.
All night if you like!
Tortured by Questions?
If you've got a question that isn't answered here or want to say hi or share anything at all, write me!
I'm at: [email protected]