Bravo to Paris for a Summer Olympics Like No Other! Nous t'aimons!




Join me in a journey
into Erik Satie's whimsical and inventive mind,
and into your own


through creative play on piano





in your music life,
and in your life life.


This is for me!


It is also the brain's happiest way to learn.  

Yet creative play is seldom developed, or even acknowledged,
in music study and practice.

And when we say that we "play" music,
it usually refers to the recitation or recreation of
another person's creative musical thoughts and ideas, 
not our own.  

And if it is our own music, it often garners much attention, as something unique and unexpected. Considered unusual.  

"Wow.  I could never do that," people often say.

Weird, right?

Shouldn't it be the other way around?



explore and express your musical thoughts
 and spontaneously make music
with confidence & ease,

without a script,
and also without scrutiny or inner angst,
(or triggering an existential crisis),
you have to practice doing just that.

And the way to "practice" it is—to play.


Not to "play music" as mentioned above,
but to actually play—with music.

Play around. Tinker. Try things. Wander off the beaten path.  
Get a little lost.  At Sea.

Let the curious child, that is your imagination, be your captain.

No agenda.  No predetermined destination.  


(and then what happens in this state of creative drift?

and not just at the piano.)


Yes, please!
So what does that sound like, musically?

Good question. 

Maybe melodies don't recur • Or develop • Maybe they just wander off like a curious puppy • Are those even "melodies"?
Maybe chord progressions don't cadence • Or they don't even progress •  They just float along like clouds, indefinitely  

Ideas interrupt each other, as if you are turning the dial on a radio from station to station, crashing in from out of nowhere like waves
without warning or foreshadowing,
like a sudden tempest at sea, 

and then they vanish.

Into thin air.

Like a ghost ship. Or a golf ball.

  Nonsense.  Absurdity. 

Is it music?

Or Just Play.


I am happy to introduce you to

 An exploration into the playful and inventive mind of

Erik Satie,

and into your own. 


For the purpose of radically normalizing
daily creative play and freedom
in your musical life, and in your life life.

And in so doing, SLAY THE JABBERWOCKY of inner criticism, scrutiny, doubt, fear,
and any other crippling emotion that dares to try to keep you
(and me and everyone!)
from enjoying free expression and connection
with your creative heart, mind, & soul and your own musical genius. 

(this last part applies to us adults as children create freely until convinced otherwise.)


All in mere minutes a day.
It's just play!
Oui, S'il Vous Plait!



Why Erik Satie?  What are Sports & divertissements?    

I ♥️ to talk about this!   It's not long; do read!



Erik Satie (1866-1925) was a Parisian composer,

café-cabaret pianist, poet, playwright, artist, essayist and music conservatory drop-out with monastic tendencies, often considered eccentric for having in his possession a total of 100 umbrellas* at the time of his death (and other peculiarities). 

Igor Stravinsky called him the oddest man he had ever met.

The word SURREALISM was actually used for the first time in an attempt to describe Satie's ballet score for "Parade!"

But musically—Satie simply sought to free himself, and fellow French composers, from the predictability of functional harmony and form ever driving to the same dramatic conclusion, a "payoff", overt romanticism, and the general German grandiosity so looming over the classical music world at that time. 

And he did. His acts of defiance: short, direct piano pieces intertwining simplicity, wit, pure imagination and musical play. 



In 1914, Satie accepted a commission, 

one rejected by Stravinsky, who was insulted by the low fee the commission paid.

Satie also refused the commission at first—stating the pay was far too highbeing one so protective of his artistic freedom and experimentation that he adopted a lifelong commitment to poverty, (somewhat inconceivable to us now).

The commission, from a luxury fashion magazine owner, was to compose 20 short, one page piano pieces, each a companion to renowned Illustrator Charles Martin's drawings of the Paris Elite at sporty play, all donned in the latest couture.

Together, Martin's illustrations and Satie's short piano pieces would be published and sold as un livre d’artistean artist's book— a type of high-end collectable album popular in early 20th century France, collaboratively pairing artists of different mediums, often poets and painters. 

The book was to be called Sports et divertissements (Sports & Pastimes), a then catchphrase in advertising for the emerging travel and leisure industry.

La Pêche | C. Martin


of a creative life.

Satie busily set to work, crafting miniature piano vignettes, some no longer than 15 seconds in length.  Satie sprinkled sparse, playful prose throughout the score providing poetic narration and dialogue as the carefree characters engage in their leisurely amusements.

The confines of the commission and Martin's charming illustrations created a fertile playground for Satie's imagination, agile compositional skills, and quick wit.

In addition to the 20 pieces, Satie added a preface and a prelude, in the form of an "unappetizing" chorale—a little jab on his part at the high brow music elite he was often at odds with.

Satie also beautifully notated the score for each piece in calligraphy, eliminating bar lines and key/time signatures for a simpler aesthetic, making the scores themselves works of exquisite visual art as well.

Sports et divertissements is now revered as Satie's most characteristic masterpiece—a confluence of his skills, talents, artistic aesthetic and ideals, imagination, quirks, eccentricities, wit, joy, and childlike wonder.

And now, a playground for us!

And so, fellow musicians, educators, parents,

& childfree cat ladies 🐈‍⬛,

here in 2024,
in this
 performance-driven culture we live in, that lives in us,
where music making continues to be predominantly a spectator sport,

and, in turn, we routinely dismiss or diminish most of our creative musical impulses as silly, childlike, unoriginal, unmonetizable, or not a "productive use of time".

I believe 

we need more Satie. 

We need to cultivate...the Satie within us.

So when the voices of past teachers, parents, faux friends*, former colleagues, and anyone else living in your head suddenly has a big, loud opinion right when you start to open up inside to a creative dream, musical or otherwise,

they'll have to contend with SATIE.
That's right.



to whom nothing is too outlandish, impractical, unheard of.

Who— through all their banal and apocalyptic noise—whispers clear and true— 

Génie! Tu es une étoile brillante, ma chère.  Fais ta magie.**

*you know,  the friends, who, when you start to grow in some creative way, are the first in line to offer "advice" include unsavory words such as: impossible, selfish, unrealistic, delusional. 

**Genius!  You are a shining star, my Dear.  Make your magic. Or this is what my INNER SATIE would say.  Yours may vary.



SATIE SPORTS CAMP is a month-long innovative online music program designed to help make your music life more artful, free and joyful while traveling through Erik Satie's delightful Sports et divertissements pieces, one a day*, that become sparks for improvisation and creativity.

You will receive daily listening guides, improvisational prompts, and creative commissions (music briefs) delivered through a learning portal that you can access preferably throughout each day (as detailed below).

They are for you and everyone in your household!

For creative play to be actual play, and not performance, you need space, time and solitude. It is for this reason that the materials will be delivered online this way, and not in live zoom classes (as I usually teach).

HOWEVER, this is not a SELF-STUDY course where you are on your own, working through lessons pre-recorded earlier for mass distribution. Every thing is crafted DAILY, in real time, by one person, (me),
and will evolve organically each day.

There will be 3 live office hours per week dedicated to only this camp, so that you can ask any questions, share any epiphanies, hang out, or just say hi!

*with weekends off to ponder it all.



Each day,

we will travel inside of one of Satie's  

Sports & divertissements

Here's the setlist! 
(But not necessarily in the order you may be used to.  It will be a surprise revealed daily.)

Unappetizing Chorale • The Carnival • The Perpetual Tango • Waking The Bride • The Races • Fishing • The Waterchute • Fireworks • Les Quatre-coins • Italian Comedy • Blindman's Bluff • Sea Bathing • Golf • The Swing • Yachting •  The Sled • The Picnic • Tennis • Hunting • Flirtation!

Musical elements Satie used in each piano piece become sparks,

improvisational prompts,
And then: a daily commission of our own— 

to create
playfully • swiftly • decisively • freely •  joyfully 




For 21 days, 

we will travel inside of one of Satie's 21 

Sports & divertissements


Here's the setlist! 
(But not necessarily in the order you may be used to.  It will be a surprise revealed daily.)

Musical elements Satie used to in each piano piece become sparks,

improvisational prompts,
And then: a daily commission of our own

to create
playfully • swiftly • decisively • freely •  joyfully 



Create what?

Your daily musical story, of course!

"Wow.  I could never do that,"
you may be thinking.

I assure you that you can.


You'll be amazed.

Through guided exploration of music and creative play, 
your imagination and curiosity will emerge.


It's just what happens. 

And at whatever age or level of musicianship
you are currently at.

This is for everyone.

And you can do it all in 20 minutes a day.
(But's okay if you don't want to stop.  You don't have to.)




 "An artist must regulate his life. Here is a time-table of my daily acts..."

Satie began a humorous writing once with this austere opening, and then went on to recount a silly and impossible day.

In the SATIE SPORTS CAMP,  we will not be following his "routine" (which people have actually done and chronicled on youtube, although—as with most things—he never meant it to be taken LITERALLY).

Instead, we will employ the LAMP method.


LAMP is an approach for learning music through listening, connecting and understanding first which you can use with ANY music.  With Satie's music, there are some...idiosyncracies that recur, and we'll start to recognize them more with each piece.

(yes, in Paris)
the DAILY SPORT SELECTION & LISTENING GUIDE for the day is revealed.

Each morning, listen to the piece several times until it opens up in your mind.  Try to imagine the story Satie is telling musically about the Sport/Pastime.

and understand it harmonically & rhythmically, this skill is called Audiation.

In Satie's pieces, the usual suspects we listen for in music are just not there (V-I cadences, for example). Instead, we will listen for SATIE-centric details.

The DAILY SPORT STUDY SCORE is revealed, which provides a visual map of Satie's imaginative storytelling on the piano and how he simultaneously develops and pokes fun at the personalities of the fashionistas in the drawings with his sparse text narrations and dialogues.

With DAILY SPORT SPARKS—melodic snippets, rhythmic play, ideas, patterns, sound effects and other elements Satie wove throughout each piece to depict the sport or pastime— you can:

PLAY AROUND on the piano.  Experiment, mix up, expand & improvise with them,

and then...


You will receive a commission each day, à la Satie, with clear, yet clever, directions to follow, 
as you imagine and then create your own micro-story on piano,
and any spontaneous artwork and text your muse (or inner Satie) inspires you to make.

You don't have to notate your stories, just a quick recording on your phone is great.  Just to capture it.

(Let me make sure this is clear: when I say "create", I mean, just make up something. 
Not compose or obsess and belabor over!)


The creative and time limitations of the daily commission will help you: 

  • make quick artistic decisions 
  • build confidence in your musical ideas
  • trust your first instincts
  • enjoy a more spontaneously creative life
and decimate perfectionism as


Tomorrow is a new day—swiftly approaching--with new music | art | poetry to make!



And then, at the end—
you will have a collection of your own,
the fruits of your daily creative habit...

To do with as you wish.

You can hide it all away to rediscover another day,
like unsent love letters or postcards.
You can notate your pieces out if you like.
You can share it.
You can use it as a sketchbook to expand into
new pieces of music and art you make later.

Or collect them together into

Your Own Artist Book.


Livre d’artiste

Here is the cover and Le Golf from Sports et divertissements. 



I'm ready to ROCK THIS.

Hi, I'm Hollie!

I am une Americaine not quite in Paris. 

Although most people first discover Satie and his music through the Gymnopèdies or Gnossiennes, for me it was actually Sports et divertissements, and not a recording—but a live performance I attended on a whim.  My mind exploded with the harmonies, quick key changes, and imaginative wit.

As a university student, who had just defied my piano professor's stern & dire warnings by changing my major course of study from classical piano to music composition, I had no idea the lifelong solidarity I would find with that quirky composer and artist who said yes to a commission in 1914, which, in turn, drew me to him. 

In my three decades teaching language, piano and music composition, working as a both a classical & pop pianist, and composing and tinkering with music incessantly, I believe providing children, and ourselves, with the space, time and exuberant support to develop a vibrant, creative life of musical fluency and inner freedom is a mandate, an imperative.  

Whether you have played music your whole life, or have just discovered that you can, you are meant to express your original thoughts musically just as you are meant to say what you think with words.  This is what music is made for.

And I can't wait to explore, nerd out about, and create with Satie's Sports et divertissements with you! 

xo, Hollie

Hollie is an absolute genius with all ages.
She understands deeply pedagogy, technique, theory, child development, art, craft, discipline and fun.
She mixes all these elements together into an experience that 
draws forth pure magic.



 Jump In! 

21 days of Creative Frenzy
(with weekends off to consider & reflect)
For you and yours





One Payment

In this camp, you will grow your musical understanding, curiosity & creativity as you daily explore Satie's pieces, with the structure & insightful guidance of these features :

  • Daily Listening & Audiation Guide (Satie-centric!) 
  • Daily Improvisational Prompts extracted from the daily sport piece 
  • Daily Creative Commission to make your own musical story on piano & other artistic feats
  • Tri-weekly Office Hours with one enthusiastic, exuberant Satie Stan (me) to answer ANY and ALL questions you may think of, or reflections on Music, Satie, Creativity, anything.  Drop in when you like.

    You will also:
  • Grow your Inner Satie!
  • Pick up a little French, or if you are fluent, have fun correcting mine!

You will retain access to all materials forever, in case you miss anything or want to relive it. 
And any time you have a question,
I will answer (forever).

Join Here!
We don’t stop playing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop playing.


I came into the world very young, in an age that was very old.



More questions? I'm all yours! Write me here.

Galerie de citations

My only rule is to surprise myself, to do the opposite of what I did yesterday.


Louis would sit at the piano for several hours a day tinkering with 
how different notes and chords sounded

It wasn’t long before we traded our old piano for a better one because his playing was quickly becoming the soundtrack of our family’s life, and the quality of his creations were outpacing the quality of his instrument.

Because of Hollie, Louis will grow up not only knowing how to play music, but what it looks like to be a creator and a lover of music for the rest of his life. 


To finish a work? To finish a picture? What nonsense! To finish it means to be through with it, to kill it, to rid it of its soul, to give it its final blow... the coup de grâce for the painter as well as for the picture.


I met Hollie when she joined my band Future Clouds and Radar in 2006.  

Straight away, she set the standard for what I wanted
henceforth in collaborators. 

Her knowledge of music is surpassed only by her enthusiasm for it. I doubt I’ve met anyone in my life who loves music more--or is more the committed to sharing it.


Keep It Short.*



*If you read all of this, you know I find this one, the only, bit of advice Satie gave composers almost impossible to adhere to. 

Thank you for reading my page. 

I'm in!